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Article: Goals that Challenge

Goals that Challenge

Goals that Challenge

Have you ever had a goal that required you to push beyond your comfort zone?
For me, these little stone setting tools represent that challenge.
Setting faceted stones isn't something I do every day.  It means paying attention to every detail. The work is arduous, time-consuming - and sometimes frustrating - but when I get it right, the payoff is more than worth the effort.  Perhaps I'm being stubborn here, but I like to meet a challenge head-on.  I want to learn, to grow, and to feel the exhilaration of knowing that I succeeded.
Every time I see that sparkling flash of colour in one of my pieces, I am reminded that yes, I can do this!
The Jewelled Mushrooms , an example is pictured below, are a great example of a challenge overcome, with several tiny faceted gemstones set into a surface that curves.

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